Imperfect Parenting

photo by Barbara ReyesNobody is a perfect parent. And who decides what perfect parenting is, anyway?

Good parenting, on the other hand, we do know a thing or two about; and it ain’t always pretty.

“Does that bookshelf really have to be perfect?” is a good reminder to take advantage of opportunities for relationship building with your kids.

Consider this story of a dad dealing with letting his teenage sons see him fail. Or, this mom’s confession about the hard times when one kid’s crying, another’s pouting, the third spilled the pancake batter and the patience is a bit hard to come by.

How about an ‘everyday theology’ for parenting? Check out this short review of the book Hopes and Fears: Everyday Theology for New Parents and Other Tired, Anxious People.



This post is for parents of children and teens and it addresses issues of failure, modeling/teaching, patience, love, and relationship building.

Photo by Barbara Reyes, hosted by Marion Doss. Used with permission. Sourced by Flickr.

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